Donnerstag, Juni 08, 2006

Dubside, my Black Brother

You can't believe it!

Dubside, my black brother and web phantom, has a website!!!
But still no e-mail...

Read his commando kayaking essay, to know in which world he's living... :-))

He is an amazing sportsman, and must be made out of, not his hair!
I think it's always funny when his long rasta locks are slipping out of the bottom of the legs of the pants... :-))
...or when, as at Sweetwater's, all teachers were supposed to wear the light greyish teacher's shirt at the meeting...Dubside's shirt was peeping just an inch out under his black jacket...only opened carefully "undercover"... :-)) - he's funny, that man!

He deserves a professional marketing, and was really lucky to get to work with Tom Sharp.

we both love folding kayaks to travel and teach...

Ed Zachowski, Dubside and me at SSTIKS '05.

Sonntag, Juni 04, 2006

what's left??? that you think I'm selling all my kayaks and stopped paddeling...what's left in the boathouse?

My loved "Sexy Hexy", a 4 pieces Qaanaaq SS from Waterfield Kayaks, Japan, the best rolling teaching tool for almost everybody... :-)) , and you can even take that on a daytrip in rough stuff (if you CAN...) :-))

Great for travelling, as the whole Qaanaaq fits in one big bag.

My first SOFreya, a Skin On Frame kayak, built by German Hakola Dippel (, after the pattern of Björn Thomasson's Black Pearl

A great, narrow roller only, not made for touring, and fits not every student... :-))

My SOFreya2, the folding version of the SOFreya1, a little wider and even more flat on the backdeck, like a comfortable waterbed...truck tarp on wooden frame, fits again almost everyone for teaching. This time I helped Hakola building...

My favourite headstand tool and great fr traveling, too. All goes in quite a small bag.

And my Expedition Kayak, a "Special Edition" NDK-Explorer, three pieces in Kevlar Carbon Metalflake, with modified connections. Good for all (rough) conditions. And works even for the fw-fw handroll :-)

What will be next??? We'll see...

zum Verkauf/ for sale, offer for Germany/ Europe

Sorry, nu is er verkauft!

Kajak Sport Viviane,
2 Jahre alt,
wenig gefahren als Zweit-Kajak zum Kindertransport, sehr guter Zustand,
E-Pumpe, liebevoll eingebaut,
Silva Kompass,
Lettmann-Pedalen mit Flip-off Steueranlage zusätzlich zum Skeg,
Kinderspritzdecke für hintere Packluke mit Sea Sock und extra weichem Lukendeckel,
Schottwand zwischen dayhatch und hinterem Lukendeckel ist wegen "Kindertransport" nicht eingesetzt, aber vorhanden (einzukleben).

Das ist ein elegantes schlankes, schnelles aber trotzdem großvolumiges (5,80 m lang) Seekajak für normale und größere kräftige Paddler.


Kind ist aus der hinteren Luke leider rausgewachsen, daher der Verkauf.

NP 2300 € + Zubehör ca. 300 €, für 1500 € VHB

Standort Husum/ Schleswig-Holstein.

Sorry, nu is der auch verkauft:

Lettmann Polar,
VCS Kevlar Carbon,
dunkelrot Metalflake,
E-Pumpe, liebevoll eingebaut
kleine Tagesluke vorne Toploader, zu gebrauchen als Make-up case oder Werkzeugkoffer...

3 Jahre alt, sehr guter Zustand,

NP 3595 + Metalflake aufpreis (?) €,
für 2500 € VHB

Das ist ein hervorragend gebautes, solides (Made in Germany :-) ), elegantes, schnelles Seekajak (runder Unterboden) mit der genialen komfortablen intergrierten Skeg/ Steueranlage.

Der rot/ scharze Polar ist bereits verkauft, sorry!

The Kayak Trolley - a useful device !

Why carrying your loaded sea kayak, damaging your back, and getting longer and longer arms on each portage???

As I was not really actively advertising my cart so far, I guessed this might be a good idea for my first blog entrance...

I got the idea of reconstructing the cart from an old design of Gerald Maroske und Jochen Vetterlein, as those guys were not longer interested in making them.

I was urgently looking 3 years ago for a suitable, easy to handle cart for my sea kayak, and found it used by some of my first old kayaking friends, Matthias Panknin and Udo Beier.

Ok, the metalwork is done by a local shop, but I do all the strapping, knotting and takes a while for each cart and definitively gives you blisters if you try to do 10 sets in a row :-)

The cart is really hard to top!

For more pictures please click on the "kayak trolley" link in my menue.

It's all done in solid durable saltwater resistant V4-A steel, plus wheels 26 x 7,5 x 2 cm, bungees and strappings.
It’s a pop-up construction, folds down in ONE piece to a parcel of 67 x 8 x 12 cm, which I do strap down to the bottom of my cockpit between/ under my legs. For that I glued four pairs of D-rings to the bottom, connected by elastic straps.

The wheels are sitting upright to my bulkhead behind my foot pegs in my Explorer, held by another elastic strap.

In another kayak I strapped one wheel under the deck above my legs, the other went on top inside of a regular 24 cm hatch (the 26 cm wheel is fitting into it with the right air pressure) , or wherever you think you find room in your own kayak.

Stored there, the cart is always handy for packing out first and in last, if needed.

No fiddling together a frame with cold hands, no lost parts!
No bulky frame is sitting on the back deck…sometimes I saw that even with the wheels still attached, that somehow the thought was coming up if the paddler just wants to roll over close to shore and to wheel out of the water... :-))

Place the kayak cart shortly behind your cockpit, attach the straps around the cockpit, and off you go!

  • Loading it alone is just easy, too: let the frame fall FORWARD on the ground, lift the kayak on to, reach the cockpit behind the seat

    If things are getting tough on longer distances or sandy surface, an attached hip belt to the toggle or a thread through stick is helpful for towing. Sorry, no built in motor is coming with it... :-)

    Ok, sometimes it's a good idea to attach the cart already on the floating kayak in the water, and then to wheel out (for anti-scratch-freaks, or for those who are not able to lift the loaded kayak solo...)

    Here’s an (uncomplete) list of well-known kayakers allover the world who own one of my carts and might be happy to tell you about it:
  1. Nigel Foster + Kristin Nelson
  2. Shawna Franklin + Leon Sommé
  3. Nigel Dennis + Tara
  4. Jonathan + Kirti Walpole
  5. Keirron Tastagh
  6. Nico Middelkoop
  7. Greg Stamer
  8. Russel Farrow + Jean Trotz
  9. Dale Williams
  10. Michael Gray
  11. Derrick Mayoleth
  12. Wendy Killoran
  13. Wenley Ignatio Palacios
  14. Glenn McKay
  15. Eiichi Ito
  16. Carmen Adell
  17. Peter Unold
  18. Karen Darke
  19. Udo Beier
  20. Eckehard Schirmer

    The cart is 149 € / 190 $ / 100 £ plus shipping.