Samstag, Oktober 27, 2007

Progress Report 10/28/07 Sunday - updated by Freya 28.10.+ 04.11.07

Updated weather from Karel Vissel:
Mon mrng nw 4bft noon nw 3bft aft nw 4 bft seas 1.90 mrng south of cape campell seas 2.90mtr from s and se
Tues mrng nw 4bft noon nw 3bft aft nw 3bft seas 1.60 to 1.20 mtr from se

Satellite Update received from Freya:
Sunday 28.10.07 S41.43 E174.12 65km 9hrs, just 6km close to Cape Campbell...kicked my ass I was not fighting my way through Tory Channel entrance earlier than 11.30 h...
6 dolfins 1 penguin 1 seal 2 surfies and 100 aching muscles beach camp in sand tired but happy

Update by Freya 04.11.07:
This means Sunday I had to land in last light 20.30 h at a beach close to Cape Campbell, but as I started that late I couldn't make it around on Sunday in still kind of quiet conditions.

Arriving at the White Bluffs at the end of the x-ing of Cloudy Bay I actually wanted to land, but a strong current around that corner wasn't inviting at all. I preferred to rather fight on southwards to get rid of that current, and just to keep on paddling...prepared to live in the boat all day as usual.

Who is starting late has to paddle a bit harder and longer... once I felt I could at least make it close to the Cape I decided to cut across not only Cloudy Bay, but Clifford Bay, too, heading somewhere to the Lake Grassmere campsite.

I paddled the hell out of my body and against the haunting "estimated arrival time" on my GPS, hoping to make still a landing in last light.

The first wider surf lines were breaking off the Awatere River mouth, and what I guessed were two seal playing in the waves turned out to be two guys on their surfboards!

Approaching the Lake Grassmere area I was looking for where the official DOC motorcampsite might be, and saw some lights by the water, but I never guessed this was the campsite so close on the narrow strip bewteen the water and the bluffs...and I landed about 200 m to the right. It was almost dark, and I actually guessed why should I bother with an "official" campsite...I was more than happy to relax in my own sand dune spot than to deal with elderly people travelling in motorhomes (who needs a motorhome...) :-))

Update 28.10.07 by Freya:
Sunday morning 9.30 am, and I'm on the computer again...why??
I haven't got a floating office yet...

My hosts left early this morning for going to town, getting up at 5am together with me.
Joe checked the forecast again, put his nose outside, but had to tell me the weather was not following the forecast was still blowing force 6 out of the south, and the tide was still running into the Channel, pointless to give it an early start to be able to reach Cape Campbell today...

I waved the family goodbye, standing at the sheltered beach, not able to see what was going on there around the corner of West Head.

I guessed better than hanging out for three hours I'll give it a try and poke my nose around the corner, see how it looks like!
Who's not trying, won't get an answer...

First start at 7.30 am, I ferryglided across the Channel entrance, made it up further than the lighthouse, but then my GPS told me my speed was down to ZERO...actually a lovely playspot if you don't want o go anywhere, but I wanted to go SOMEWHERE!!!
I had to turn around then, getting flooded downstream with 10-12 km/h, and just enjoying the morning sun.

Joy Heberley, Joe Heberley jun. wife, was still at home and asked me to come inside to warm up again, not really unwelcome for a 3-hrs waiting time. Thanks, Joy! She was just out feeding three abondoned lambs with a bottle!
They do have a lovely big modern house, too, with lots of wood and a nice backyard.

I picked her up yesterdy with her husband Joe riding the family's motoryacht shuttle deep into the fjord to Picton, the interisland ferryharbour town, actually a good chance to get further inland without the "hard" work of paddling off course...
The ride was cold and rough, and standing on the way back felt much better than sitting! I prefer my kayak on the long run...

I'll give it another start at 11 am, when the tide has turned running out of the Channel and going south, and the wind died out a bit more then. No wind against tide anymore, but it will still be rough seas out there, I expect. Hope to nake it at least to Fighting bay, maybe White Bluff, but no way to reach Cape Campbell today... :-((

Thank you all guys for all the new best wishes for my trip, it really motivates then to get on the computer again by the next chance...

New Zealand is 17 hours ahead of EST (Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +12 hours; Daylight saving time: +1 hour; Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +13 hours), so please keep that in mind as you follow Freya's progress. (And please excuse any mistakes that I make when trying to post the correct blog date!) -

Karel's weather reports indicate wind strength via the Beaufort Wind Scale. If you are unfamiliar with this scale, please see the excellent reference (adapted for kayakers) that Derek Mayoleth has posted at -- Greg

Following is the latest weather report from Karel Visel:
Sun mrng s 4bft se 2.70mtr noon e 2 to3bft aft ne 2 to3bft seas 2.40mtr from se
Mon mrng nw 4bft sea 1.70 mtr noon nw 4bft aft nw 4 to5bft sea 1.40mtr se dir